League News


The Bay Skate Shop - Reduced Hours

The Bay Skate Shop is operating at reduced hours for the time being. Effective immediately his hours for the time being are as follows:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: CLOSED

Wednesday: 5pm - 7pm

Saturday & Sunday: 8am - 2pm


Sorry for any inconvenience. 

Jan 21, 2022

December 50/50 Winner

Congrats to Jackie Turcotte who was the winner of the December 50/50 draw. Jackie is taking home $11,205

Jan 6, 2022


Good Evening TASA Families,

With eight days until Christmas, we want to make sure that we do our part to limit close contacts so that our families can enjoy their holidays.  With the increased COVID activity in the province, and more importantly, within TASA feeder schools, the TASA Executive has met and agreed that we will be pausing all hockey activities effective 5PM today, December 17th until January 2nd (subject to any restrictions in place at that time). 

In the coming weeks, we will be working to reschedule games that were cancelled as well as practices.

We hope that all of our families are able to enjoy this holiday season and we will see you in January.

Thank you,


President of TASA Minor Hockey

Dec 17, 2021


Due to the number of COVID-19 cases within the TASA community, as well as Hammonds Plains moving to an online learnign platform, it has been decided to suspend all developmental programs until the new year. Power skating sessions as well as goaltending sessions are postponed until further notice. The ice scheduler will be in touch with a new date. Hopefully things settle down, and we will be back after the holidays.


Please take care and have a happy, healthy and safe holiday.

Dec 16, 2021

November 50/50 Winner

Congrats to Holly Sinclair who was the winner of the November 50/50 draw. Holly is taking home $32,570

Dec 2, 2021

TASA condemns racism in all forms everywhere

TASA condemns racism in all forms everywhere. TASA Minor Hockey supports Halifax Minor Hockey @hfxhawks and all others in a stance against racism. We hear that hockey is for everyone. Hockey cannot be for everyone when some are excluded covertly or explicitly. We cannot be silent when racism is present.  

Dec 1, 2021