League News


Executive Positions – Accepting Submissions

The TASA AGM will be held on May 24, 2022 at 6:30PM.  In preparation for the upcoming AGM, we are accepting submissions for those interested in Executive Positions.  The nominating committee will be accepting submissions until April 24, 2022.  Below you will find the four positions and their related qualifications.   If you are interested, please email [email protected] by April 24, 2022 with your submission.


Description of Role

The President is responsible for ensuring the Association’s mission, goals and objectives are met through the effective management and delivery of the minor hockey program. The President, or in their absence, the Executive Vice President, shall preside as Chair at meetings of the Executive. They shall be permitted to vote at any meetings of the Association only in the event of a tied vote. They shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Association at any meeting where representation of the Association is required. The President cannot be a coach, Assistant Coach or Team official in the Association.


One (1) year Executive Vice-President with TASA Minor Hockey or two (2) years Vice President experience with TASA Minor Hockey.


Executive Vice President

Description of Role

The Executive Vice-President will support the overall operation of the Association and assume the duties of the President in the event of his/her absence for any reason. The Executive Vice President may be appointed to Chair operational committees as a representative of the Executive. In the absence of an Immediate Past President, the Executive Vice-President will assume the role of the Chair of the Nomination Committee


One (1) year Vice-President with TASA Minor Hockey or two (2) years Executive experience with TASA Minor Hockey

Secretary / Vice President Risk Management

Description of Role

The Secretary will maintain accurate records of all meetings and support executive members with associated tasks, as required. The VP Risk Management will ensure the Association’s policies and procedures are in compliance with the various hockey-governing bodies, review and make recommendation on Association’s policy and procedures; and, fairly and effectively apply same. Oversight of the Disciplinary Committee falls under the responsibility of the VP Risk Management


Two (2) years volunteer experience and experience related to risk management.   Experience with policy development and oversight, conflict resolution and strong organizational skills will be considered an asset.

Vice President U9

Description of Role

The Vice President U9 is responsible for ensuring the U9 program meets the identified program objectives and effectively represent the interests of players, parents and instructors at the Executive level.


One (1) year hockey volunteer experience; knowledge and experience in all aspects of the game of hockey will be considered an asset.

Vice President U7

Description of Role

The Vice President U7 is responsible for ensuring the U7 program meets the identified program objectives and effectively represent the interests of players, parents and instructors at the Executive level.


One (1) year hockey volunteer experience; knowledge and experience in all aspects of the game of hockey will be considered an asset.

Apr 13, 2022

TASA 2022 Checking Clinic

Checking Clinics are required for any new U15 players (U13 moving up to U15 for the 2022-23 season) or any players who wish to play contact hockey in the 2022-23 season.  We recommend that even if you plan to register for non-contact hockey, you may wish to take the clinic in order to be considered as an affiliate player from the "C" program.  
The clinic will include 1 hour of off-ice instruction (players will be dressed in full gear, except skates), and 3 hours of on-ice, broken into two 90-minute sessions.  This HNS approved clinic will be led by Kyle MacDonald, TASA Technical Director.
The cost of the clinic is $65.  Payment can be sent to [email protected].
Clinic Schedule:
Wednesday, April 20th 
6:30-7:30 pm - Meeting Rooms 1&2 (off-ice session)
7:45-9:15 pm - Fountain Ice (on-ice session)
Friday, April 22nd
5:45-7:15 pm - Fountain Ice (on-ice session)
To register, click here:   2022 TASA Checking Clinic


Please let me know if you have any questions. 
Mary-Lou Paetznick
TASA Scheduler/Registrar


Apr 11, 2022

Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee
TASA is currently preparing for the upcoming AGM.  We are looking for 2 to 5 current members of our Association to be part of the nominating committee with respect to Executive positions whose terms are up for renewal.  If you are interested, please email Mary Lou at [email protected] for more details and/or to submit your interest.  The list of positions will be posted to the website in the next week.  Please submit your response by April 8, 2022.
Apr 4, 2022

Spring Development Sessions

  We have a few spots left in U11, U13 and U15/18.  U9 is full.
We also have a couple of spots for U7 3on3.


TASA will be holding a Spring 3x3 Cross-Ice Hockey Program, led by Kyle MacDonald, Technical Director for TASA, for the U7 division.  

The program will include 12 hours of on-ice play.  

Program Focus – 3 on 3 cross-ice hockey provides great development benefits with non-stop fun to help grow their love of the game. 

Any participants that would like to try goaltending, are welcome to do so by request.  Equipment will be provided. 

The program will run from April 9th-May 15th inclusive on Saturdays at 10:00 am on Smith Ice and Sunday’s at 2:15 pm on Fountain Ice. 

The cost of the program is $240, which is non-refundable unless cancelled due to COVID.  Please register for this program if your son or daughter will be playing U7, (2016, 2017) in the 2022/23 season.  If you are moving to U9, please register in the Spring Development Program below

There is limited spots in this program, so if you are interested in attending, please click here to register:  U7 3on3 Cross Ice Hockey  

Payment can be sent to [email protected].  Please do not send payment until you have received confirmation that you have secured a spot in the program. 



TASA will be holding a Spring Development Program, led by Kyle MacDonald, Technical Director, for divisions from Under-9 to Under 18 inclusive. 

The program will include 18 hours of on-ice and goaltending instruction. 

The program will focus specific instruction on skating, puck skills and game situation plus 1 hour/week of scrimmages 3x3/4x4/5x5. 

This program will run from April 5th-May 15th inclusive on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday’s.  The time for each division is as follows: 

U9 (2014,2015) - Tuesday and Thursday (5:15-6:15 pm) and Sunday (3:15-4:15 pm) 

U11 (2012, 2013) – Tuesday and Thursday (6:15-7:15 pm) and Sunday (4:15-5:15 pm) 

U13 (2010, 2011) – Tuesday and Thursday (7:15-8:15 pm) and Sunday (5:15-6:15 pm) 

U15/18 (2005-2009) – Tuesday and Thursday (8:15-9:15 pm) and Sunday (6:15-7:15 pm) 

The cost of the program is $400 and is non-refundable, unless cancellations occur due to COVID restrictions.  Please register in the division you will be playing in the 2022/23 season

There is limited space is this camp, so if you are interested in attending, please click here to register: 

TASA Spring Development Program 

Payment can be sent to [email protected].  Please do not send payment until you have received confirmation that you have secured a spot in the program. 

If you have any questions, please contact Mary-Lou at [email protected]

Mar 7, 2022

Restriction Update – February 14th

Restriction Update – February 14th

Hockey Nova Scotia has updated their guidelines in line with the Public Health announcement today.  We will ensure that Coaches, Managers and Safety Reps are updated as we receive further information on how games will commence and what the spectator rules will be in our arenas.

This is definitely a step in the right direction!


Feb 10, 2022

St. Margaret's Centre COVID Protocols as of February 7, 2022

Please read this important update from St. Margaret's Centre



The biggest update is “Sports practices and rehearsals for arts and culture performances can have up to 25 people indoors. They cannot have multiple groups, games, or performances. Spectators are still not permitted.”


If you have ANY questions or require clarification please do not hesitate to contact us. The best way to reach me this weekend is through email and we can set up a phone call if necessary in advance of Monday. I will be back in the office Monday morning. 

 Thank you,


Stephanie Steele

Booking Coordinator, St. Margaret’s Centre


902-826-2100, Ext. 11 (cell: 902-830-6357)

Feb 6, 2022